SimpleGL  1.1.0
A framework for platform independent rendering
Classes | Namespaces | Enumerations
vertex_array_object.hpp File Reference
#include <SimpleGL_gl/SimpleGL_gl_Export.h>
#include <GL/glew.h>

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class  sgl::VertexArray
 This class wraps an OpenGL vertex array object. More...


 Generic namespace for the SimpleGL framework.


enum  sgl::ValueType : GLenum {
  sgl::ValueType::BYTE = GL_BYTE, sgl::ValueType::UNSIGNED_BYTE = GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sgl::ValueType::SHORT = GL_SHORT, sgl::ValueType::UNSIGNED_SHORT = GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT,
  sgl::ValueType::INT = GL_INT, sgl::ValueType::UNSIGNED_INT = GL_UNSIGNED_INT, sgl::ValueType::FLOAT = GL_FLOAT, sgl::ValueType::DOUBLE = GL_DOUBLE
 This enum wraps the vertex array object's value types. More...

Detailed Description

Heiko Brumme

This file contains classes to create vertex array objects.

Definition in file vertex_array_object.hpp.