SimpleGL  1.1.0
A framework for platform independent rendering
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NsglGeneric namespace for the SimpleGL framework
 CApplicationThis is the base class for an application
 CApplicationGLThis class should get extended by the user when using the OpenGL backend
 CApplicationVKThis class should get extended by the user when using the Vulkan backend
 CBatchThis class defines methods for batch rendering
 CBatchGLThis class is used for batch rendering with OpenGL
 CBatchVKThis class is used for batch rendering with Vulkan
 CBufferThis class wraps an OpenGL buffer object
 CCameraThis struct defines a camera
 CCommandBufferThis class wraps a Vulkan command buffer
 CCommandPoolThis class wraps a Vulkan command pool
 CDebugReportCallbackThis class wraps a Vulkan debug report callback
 CDepthStencilBufferThis struct stores the data of a depth stencil buffer
 CDescriptorPoolThis class wraps a Vulkan descriptor pool
 CDescriptorSetThis class wraps a Vulkan descriptor set
 CDeviceThis class wraps a Vulkan logical device
 CErrorCallbackThis class wraps a GLFW error callback
 CEventThis abstract class defines a event for the application
 CFenceThis class wraps a Vulkan fence
 CFramebufferGLThis class wraps an OpenGL framebuffer object
 CFramebufferVKThis class wraps a Vulkan framebuffer
 CGLThis static class wraps general OpenGL functions
 CGLFWThis static class wraps general GLFW functions
 CGLVersionStructure for saving the OpenGL version
 CGraphicsPipelineThis class wraps a Vulkan graphics pipeline
 CInstanceThis class wraps a Vulkan instance
 CKeyCallbackThis class wraps a GLFW key callback
 CKeyEventThis class defines a key event, created by the KeyCallback
 CLightThis structure defines a light
 CLoggerThis class is used to log information and errors
 CManagerThis class provides an abstract class for managing objects
 CMaterialThis structure defines a material
 CModelThis class contains static methods to calculate model matrices
 CMouseButtonCallbackThis class wraps a GLFW mouse button callback
 CMouseButtonEventThis class defines a mouse button event, created by the MouseButtonCallback
 CPhysicalDeviceThis class wraps a Vulkan physical device and represents a graphics card
 CProjectionThis class contains static methods to calculate projection matrices
 CQueueFamilyIndicesThis struct stores relevant queue family indices
 CQueuesThis struct stores relevant device queues
 CRenderbufferThis class wraps an OpenGL renderbuffer object
 CRenderPassThis class wraps a Vulkan render pass
 CSemaphoreThis class wraps a Vulkan semaphore
 CShaderThis class wraps an OpenGL shader object
 CShaderManagerThis class provides an class for managing shaders
 CShaderModuleThis class wraps a Vulkan shader module
 CShaderModuleManagerThis class provides methods for managing shader modules
 CShaderProgramThis class wraps an OpenGL shader program
 CSurfaceThis class wraps a Vulkan surface
 CSwapchainThis class wraps a Vulkan swapchain
 CSwapchainDataThis struct stores relevant swapchain data
 CSwapchainSupportDetailsThis struct stores necessary data for swapchain support
 CTextureThis class wraps an OpenGL texture object
 CTextureDataThis structure stores texture image data
 CTextureImageThis class wraps a Vulkan texture image
 CTextureImageManagerThis class provides methods for managing texture images
 CTextureManagerThis class provides an class for managing textures
 CTimeUtilThis class contains static methods for time calculations
 CTransformationThis struct contains information to calculate the Model-View-Projection-Matrix
 CUniformBufferThis class wraps a Vulkan uniform buffer
 CVertexArrayThis class wraps an OpenGL vertex array object
 CVertexBufferThis class wraps a Vulkan vertex buffer
 CViewThis class contains static methods to calculate view matrices
 CVulkanContextThis class contains all relevant Vulkan objects to setup a Vulkan application
 CWindowThis class provides a basic GLFW window
 CWindowGLThis class provides a GLFW window with OpenGL context
 CWindowVKThis class provides a GLFW window with a Vulkan instance