SimpleGL  1.1.0
A framework for platform independent rendering
SimpleGL_Backend_OpenGL.hpp File Reference
#include <SimpleGL_Core.hpp>
#include "SimpleGL_gl/backend_gl.hpp"
#include "SimpleGL_gl/application_gl.hpp"
#include "SimpleGL_gl/glfw_window_gl.hpp"
#include "SimpleGL_gl/batching_gl.hpp"
#include "SimpleGL_gl/manager_gl.hpp"
#include "SimpleGL_gl/gl_general.hpp"
#include "SimpleGL_gl/vertex_array_object.hpp"
#include "SimpleGL_gl/vertex_buffer_object.hpp"
#include "SimpleGL_gl/shader_objects.hpp"
#include "SimpleGL_gl/texture_object.hpp"
#include "SimpleGL_gl/framebuffer_object.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.

Detailed Description

Heiko Brumme

This file is meant to get included by projects using the OpenGL backend.

In this file all the headers of the OpenGL backend should get included, so that the user just have to include this header.

Definition in file SimpleGL_Backend_OpenGL.hpp.