SimpleGL  1.1.0
A framework for platform independent rendering
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Csgl::ApplicationThis is the base class for an application
 Csgl::ApplicationGLThis class should get extended by the user when using the OpenGL backend
 Csgl::ApplicationVKThis class should get extended by the user when using the Vulkan backend
 Csgl::BatchThis class defines methods for batch rendering
 Csgl::BatchGLThis class is used for batch rendering with OpenGL
 Csgl::BatchVKThis class is used for batch rendering with Vulkan
 Csgl::BufferThis class wraps an OpenGL buffer object
 Csgl::CameraThis struct defines a camera
 Csgl::CommandBufferThis class wraps a Vulkan command buffer
 Csgl::CommandPoolThis class wraps a Vulkan command pool
 Csgl::DebugReportCallbackThis class wraps a Vulkan debug report callback
 Csgl::DepthStencilBufferThis struct stores the data of a depth stencil buffer
 Csgl::DescriptorPoolThis class wraps a Vulkan descriptor pool
 Csgl::DescriptorSetThis class wraps a Vulkan descriptor set
 Csgl::DeviceThis class wraps a Vulkan logical device
 Csgl::ErrorCallbackThis class wraps a GLFW error callback
 Csgl::EventThis abstract class defines a event for the application
 Csgl::KeyEventThis class defines a key event, created by the KeyCallback
 Csgl::MouseButtonEventThis class defines a mouse button event, created by the MouseButtonCallback
 Csgl::FenceThis class wraps a Vulkan fence
 Csgl::FramebufferGLThis class wraps an OpenGL framebuffer object
 Csgl::FramebufferVKThis class wraps a Vulkan framebuffer
 Csgl::GLThis static class wraps general OpenGL functions
 Csgl::GLFWThis static class wraps general GLFW functions
 Csgl::GLVersionStructure for saving the OpenGL version
 Csgl::GraphicsPipelineThis class wraps a Vulkan graphics pipeline
 Csgl::InstanceThis class wraps a Vulkan instance
 Csgl::KeyCallbackThis class wraps a GLFW key callback
 Csgl::LightThis structure defines a light
 Csgl::LoggerThis class is used to log information and errors
 Csgl::Manager< T >This class provides an abstract class for managing objects
 Csgl::Manager< Shader >
 Csgl::ShaderManagerThis class provides an class for managing shaders
 Csgl::Manager< ShaderModule >
 Csgl::ShaderModuleManagerThis class provides methods for managing shader modules
 Csgl::Manager< Texture >
 Csgl::TextureManagerThis class provides an class for managing textures
 Csgl::Manager< TextureImage >
 Csgl::TextureImageManagerThis class provides methods for managing texture images
 Csgl::MaterialThis structure defines a material
 Csgl::ModelThis class contains static methods to calculate model matrices
 Csgl::MouseButtonCallbackThis class wraps a GLFW mouse button callback
 Csgl::PhysicalDeviceThis class wraps a Vulkan physical device and represents a graphics card
 Csgl::ProjectionThis class contains static methods to calculate projection matrices
 Csgl::QueueFamilyIndicesThis struct stores relevant queue family indices
 Csgl::QueuesThis struct stores relevant device queues
 Csgl::RenderbufferThis class wraps an OpenGL renderbuffer object
 Csgl::RenderPassThis class wraps a Vulkan render pass
 Csgl::SemaphoreThis class wraps a Vulkan semaphore
 Csgl::ShaderThis class wraps an OpenGL shader object
 Csgl::ShaderModuleThis class wraps a Vulkan shader module
 Csgl::ShaderProgramThis class wraps an OpenGL shader program
 Csgl::SurfaceThis class wraps a Vulkan surface
 Csgl::SwapchainThis class wraps a Vulkan swapchain
 Csgl::SwapchainDataThis struct stores relevant swapchain data
 Csgl::SwapchainSupportDetailsThis struct stores necessary data for swapchain support
 Csgl::TextureThis class wraps an OpenGL texture object
 Csgl::TextureDataThis structure stores texture image data
 Csgl::TextureImageThis class wraps a Vulkan texture image
 Csgl::TimeUtilThis class contains static methods for time calculations
 Csgl::TransformationThis struct contains information to calculate the Model-View-Projection-Matrix
 Csgl::UniformBufferThis class wraps a Vulkan uniform buffer
 Csgl::VertexArrayThis class wraps an OpenGL vertex array object
 Csgl::VertexBufferThis class wraps a Vulkan vertex buffer
 Csgl::ViewThis class contains static methods to calculate view matrices
 Csgl::VulkanContextThis class contains all relevant Vulkan objects to setup a Vulkan application
 Csgl::WindowThis class provides a basic GLFW window
 Csgl::WindowGLThis class provides a GLFW window with OpenGL context
 Csgl::WindowVKThis class provides a GLFW window with a Vulkan instance